Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm Up In The Woods

The (soon to be) Missus and I took a trip to Mendocino this weekend for our anniversary. It was a great trip and I got to shoot a lot. I was so excited with just the polaroids that when we got home this evening I scanned a few right away.



MendocinoPolaroid003 MendocinoPolaroid004



This one was especially fun. I shot it with a Polaroid 180 w/ Fuji FP-3000B. The Polaroid 180 doesn't have a cable release and can not take one. This posed a problem as it was cold as hell outside and I certainly was not going to stand out there even for 30 min and hold it open. Cha, at work, jokingly suggested a pencil eraser and rubberband. I went with a pencil eraser and gaffers tape and it worked like a charm! I had some light intrusion from a motion detector light but it was a pretty fun experiment. The exposure on this one was around 40min.


I'm getting the 120 film back on Wednesday but may have the B&W developed and scanned by tomorrow!